About Team Safari Kids
Just Imagine... that every youth in America had a bright new tomorrow in their future. Just Imagine… that America's Promise to every child in America was a reality. Just imagine... that we live in a world where first perceptions aren't everything and we allow for critical differences to be exposed and shine! Just imagine that our one choice could significantly affect a child's choices for life. Team Safari Kids was founded on the premises that life never stops presenting us with adventures to enjoy.
During the Presidents' Summit for America's Future in 1997, the nation was challenged to make children and youth a national priority... America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth was founded. The mission of America's Promise is to strengthen the character and competence of America's youth and to see every child in America have the fundamental resources he or she needs to be ready for the future. Team Safari Kids is committed to following the Five Promises that all children should benefit from:
1. Caring adults in their lives, as parents, mentors, tutors, coaches
2. Safe places with structured activities in which to learn and grow
3. A healthy start and healthy future
4. An effective education that equips them with marketable skills
5. An opportunity to give back to their communities through their own services
Just Imagine... the Team Safari Kids slogan, is about individuality. At Team Safari Kids we believe that life should not be about living someone else's dream. We believe that through mentoring, tutoring and coaching our youth will be given the insight and wisdom to "think outside the box"… just imagine. The mission of Safari Kids is to generate excitement in the youth and provide them the opportunities to realize personal growth, fulfillment and individuality. Through the participation as Team Safari Pals, sports celebrities, with emphasis on outdoor sports like fishing; doctors, judges, custodians, astronauts work with youth at risk as mentors, tutors and coaches. Their participation offers youth a unique adventure and challenges them to see professional people that achieved personal success on other career paths and merits than sports ability... they can begin to imagine that they can accomplish any goal. They are challenged to...
just imagine. Just Imagine... The world has no boundaries. Just Imagine... The future has no limits. Just Imagine... We live in a world where the only limitation is ones imagination. The prevailing tragedy plaguing America's disadvantaged children-at-risk is that they cannot imagine what can be ... therefore, there is no hope ... no future. Through numerous projects and programs like matching kids with Team Safari Pals, youth can learn to be comfortable in their similarities to others and excited about their diversity and differences.
Ms. Marguerite W. Sallee, President & CEO of America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth, stated earlier this year, "Today's at-risk youth face incredible challenges. Yet, we also know that if they receive the fundamental resources they need, they are five to ten times more likely to lead successful lives."
Getting Back to Basics … Taking It to the Streets ...
* A touring promotion is a powerful vehicle and demonstrates an immediate and positive impact on the community. Team Safari Kids Fishing Rodeo Programs would be established in troubled communities across the country. Just Imagine... We live in a world where youth are encouraged to be excited about a youthful dream, adults are dedicated to weaving and cultivating dreams and imagination, and life's fulfillments are as satisfying as America promised.·
* Matching kids with Team Safari Pals to help them get back to the basics of being a kid. Just Imagine... Dreams can be realized and fears can be dispelled!·
* Sponsors will become captivated as they grow more involved in becoming the "good will ambassadors'' of such a program. They will help to forge millions of good impressions and solicit support for the programs from others. Just Imagine... The Sunday paper is promoting positive accomplishments not reporting about the pain that is inflicted upon our communities on a daily basis!·
* Team Safari will co-sponsor an annual Team Safari Kids Fishing Rodeo Event as a finale for the year to show off our youth members of the Safari Kids Fishing Rodeo Programs and their Team Safari Pals. Just Imagine... An overwhelming impact the Rodeo event will have at a major sporting event and on the local economy!·
* Committees will be formed including sponsors, municipal representative, community leaders, Team Safari Pals and spouses to develop and refine programs. Just Imagine... The powerful impact that will result on the lives of disadvantaged youth-at risk and on communities when so many come together to share their dreams for a bright future!·
* Team Safari Kids will work with local, state and federal government agencies and private enterprise to establish youth camps and centers in conjunction with communities across the country. Just Imagine… That kids can go to a place where they can enjoy and learn from each other in a positive way… imagine Chris and the guys' band are practicing to play for the Friday night community dance at their neighborhood teen center!·
* In these days of grassroots marketing, more and more companies are taking their marketing objectives-to the streets … Just imagine the positive impact that sponsors and companies will receive as a result of their support of the Team Safari Kids Programs.