Just Imagi​ne!

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Team Safari Outdoors, Inc. launches non-profit youth outdoors program Columbus, OH – Team Safari Outdoors, Inc., a progressive marketing and advertising company announces formation of new non-profit entity called Team Safari Kids.

Team Safari Outdoors recognized early on that a significant portion of our efforts to bring the outdoors into the lives millions should be directed towards America’s youth.

We realized that our children still have the ability to “dream” if given the opportunity. Consider for a moment that we, adults, are too shackled by the past and too burdened with the present to still dream of what “can be”!

Team Safari Kids mission is to provide an unhindered opportunity for children to nourish their dreams of the future.

We will use the great outdoors and nature as our venue and platform to help build strong character, integrity, honesty, tolerance and most importantly, a strong sense of self-worth.

Team Safari Kid welcomes contributions of any nature that helps promote our mission.

Over the coming months Team Safari Kids have numerous events planned that should be fun and exciting experiences for all who attend.

Ollie Alexander

Pro Ollie Alexander - Big River Strategies for Bass Fishing


Team Safari Kids would like to give a special thanks to Nick Jamison and Cabela's for their continued support in helping bring families together while exposing youth to opportunities and life changing experiences with the great outdoors.

Just Imagine…. that every youth in America had a bright new tomorrow in their future. Just Imagine…. that America’s promise to every child in America was a reality. Just Imagine…. that we live in a world where first perceptions aren’t everything and we allow for critical differences to be exposed and shine!